Dr. Woojun李

Associate Professor Associate Dean, and Director of 研究生课程

(570) 408-4718

Dr. Woojun李 is Associate Dean and Director of 研究生课程 in the College 的业务 & 澳门赌场在线娱乐工程系. 他获得硕士学位 Ph值.D. 在德州获得体育管理硕士学位&米大学. 在加入澳门赌场在线娱乐之前, he worked as a tenure-track faculty member at William Woods University. 

Dr. Lee's responsibilities include articulating and leading the development, planning, and execution of the COBE graduate program’s strategic direction. 这包括确保 and evaluating the quality of graduate programs, establishing academic partnerships, engaging with international and external partners, and driving continuous improvement 在评估.

In addition to his administrative role, Dr. 李还参与了各种各样的教学 courses and developing the Sports Management curriculum. 他的研究兴趣包括 social justice issues in sports, AI implementation in the sports industry, VR & AR in the sports field, and sports consumer behavior

Dr. 李宇俊个人简历(.pdf)

  • 雷克斯,M. M., 李,W., & Burdsall D. (新闻). Controls and Processes to Prevent Employees from being 被第三方贿赂; International Journal of Economics and Business 研究.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2019). Moving Toward Understanding Social Justice 在运动中 Organizations: A Study of Engagement in Social Justice Advocacy 在运动中 Organizations. 体育杂志 & 社会问题.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2018). Group Diversity's Effects on Sport Teams and Organizations: 一个荟萃分析. 欧洲体育管理季刊.
  • 李,W. (2018). Trickling Down: How the Upper Echelon Effect Diversity within an organization. 体育管理国际杂志, 14 (1), 35-47.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2016). Gender, Sexism, Sexual Prejudice, and Identification 和你在一起.S. 足球和男子花样滑冰. 性别角色:研究杂志.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2015). A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Signaling, Organizational Reputation, and Applicant 对体育组织的吸引力. 国际体育管理杂志.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2014). Imagine That: Examining the Influence of Sport-Related Imagined Contact on Intergroup Anxiety and Sexual Prejudice Across Culture. 应用社会心理学杂志, 44(4), 1-10.

  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2013). The power of sport: Examining the influence of sport-related contact and familiarity on intergroup anxiety and racism. 国际体育管理杂志, 14(4), 1-17.

  • 李,W. (2023). Examining the Impact of Social Media on Student-Athletes Psychological Factors and 表演. Paper will be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 会议, 加拿大蒙特利尔
  • 李,W. (2023). Social Justice Engagement through Social Media, Indirect Contact, Raising Awareness 改变态度. Paper will be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 会议, 加拿大蒙特利尔
  • 李,W. (2022). Examining Attitudes Toward LEED Status and Fan Experience. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 会议, Atlanta, GA.
  • 李,W. (2021). Examining the Next Generation of Sports Spectatorship: the Impact of Adapting Virtual Reality (VR) on Fan Experience, Enjoyment, Satisfaction, and Intention to Use. Paper presented at the Sport Marketing Association 会议, Las Vegas, NV.
  • 雷克斯,M. M., 李,W., & Burdsall D. M. (2021). 内部审计与第三方贿赂. Paper presented at the Forensic Accounting Section 研究 会议, Virtual 会议.
  • 肖,G.李,H., & 李,W. (2020) Barriers to Behavior Change and Recommendations: A Case Study of Ivory Product Consumption 在中国. Paper presented at the 2020 Global Marketing 会议, Virtual 会议.
  • 李,W., (2020). LEED 在运动中: How LEED Works for Sport Fans. Paper accepted for the North American Society for Sport Management, Virtual 会议
  • 李,W.戴利,D.波特,J . (2019). Understanding Perception of Division III Student-Athletes: Differences between Men’s 及女子体育. Paper presented at the ACBSP Annual 会议, Houston, TX.
  • 李,W.波特,J.戴利,D., (2019). The Impact of LEED Certified Facilities on Students’ Experience. Paper presented at the ACBSP Annual 会议, Houston, TX.
  • 李,W. (2018). Grit on Student-Athletes’ Psychological Factors and Perceived Academic Success. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,哈利法克斯,加拿大.
  • 加德纳,R., & 李,W. (2018). Does Social Media have an (negative) effect on Student-Athletes’ performance? Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,哈利法克斯,加拿大.
  • 李,W. (2018). The Effects of College Athletes’ Psychological Factors and Perceived Academic Success 和生活质素. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Global Sport Business Association, 科苏梅尔、墨西哥.
  • 李,W. (2017). Trickling Down: How the upper echelon affects diversity within organizations. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,丹佛,科罗拉多州.
  • 李,W. (2016). Moving Toward Social Justice 在运动中: A Comprehensive Study of Social Justice Advocacy 在运动中. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,奥兰多,佛罗里达州.
  • 李,W. (2015). Group Diversity’s Effects on Sport Teams and Organizations: 一个荟萃分析. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,渥太华,安大略省.
  • 李,W. (2014). A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Signaling, Organizational Reputation, and Applicant 对体育组织的吸引力. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • 李,W. (2013). Gender Beliefs and Sexual Prejudice Predict Identification with Different Sports. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州.
  • 坎宁安,G. B., & 李,W. (2013年4月). Diversity and group processes in sports: The case of sexual orientation and gender 身份的多样性. Paper presented at Teaching locally, engaging globally: Increasing undergraduate’s knowledge of the international dimension of childhood obesity. 特立尼达和多巴哥.
  • 李,W. (2013). 性别信仰与运动选择. Paper presented at Student 研究 Week at Texas A&米大学.
  • 李,W. (2012). The Effects of Imagined Intergroup Contact on Reducing Sexual Prejudice among Students. Paper presented at the annual conference for the North American Society for Sport 管理,西雅图,华盛顿州.
  • 李,W., & 坎宁安,G. B. (2012). Examining the influence of sport-related contact on prejudice reduction. Paper presented at the annual conference for the American Alliance for Health, Physical 教育、娱乐和舞蹈.
  • 坎宁安,G. B., & 李,W. (2011). Racial Identity, Sport-Fit, and Sport Identification. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Sport Marketing Association.
  • 李,W. (2011). Differences among Asians and White Americans in racial prejudice: A function of contact 与外群体成员. Paper presented at Student 研究 Week at Texas A&米大学.