Dr. Helen Davis

Associate Professor

Kirby Hall 308
(570) 408-4548

Dr. 戴维斯的教学和研究兴趣包括19世纪英国文学, 叙事理论,酷儿与女性主义理论,性别研究,写作与 Rhetoric. 她通过整合将创新教学带入课堂 of technology and experiential learning opportunities. Her goals are to use diverse 和包容性的课程,以培养她的学生的能力,批判性思考,沟通 effectively, and engage actively in the world around them. She teaches classes in 英语作文(英语101),文学概论(英语120),英国文学 (英文234),浪漫文学(英文335),维多利亚文学(英文336),修辞学 (Eng 308), and specialized courses. Dr. Davis was pleased to join the Wilkes faculty because of the university’s commitment to mentoring. She enjoys getting to know her 学生,并与他们单独以及在课堂上工作. She was awarded 艺术、人文和社会科学学院的指导教师奖 in 2018. 2016年,她被授予首届总统多元化奖. She 获得2011-2012学年多元文化教学奖,其中 表彰学生在支持多元文化方面的杰出、创造性的指导 education.她还获得了澳门赌场在线娱乐学院颁发的“多元化领导教师奖” Center for Global Education and Diversity in 2011. Dr. Davis is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion at Wilkes University.

Dr. Davis is an active member of the Wilkes community. She is the faculty advisor for the Gender and Sexuality Alliance external website她是校园LGBTQ+ Awareness and的联合创始人和协调员 Safe Space program, facilitates a Facebook page for LGBT Wilkes alumni external website. 她是多元化、包容性和包容性委员会的创始成员和联合主席 Equity (CODIE). 她曾在多个委员会任职,目前任职于 妇女及性别研究委员会及学生生活及传媒委员会

Dr. Davis在社区中也很活跃,担任the NEPA彩虹联盟和克雷斯伍德学校的定期志愿者. She provides 在图书馆、教堂和其他地方举行关于LGBTQ+问题的公开和机构会议 locations.

Dr. 戴维斯还为Misericordia协调LGBTQ+意识和安全空间会议 大学和国王学院,并正在与萨斯奎哈纳学校系统合作 为LGBTQ+学生建立教育和支持结构.

Dr. 戴维斯还为大PA阿尔茨海默氏症的全州多样性工作组服务 Association.

Dr. 戴维斯是澳门赌场在线娱乐结构设计小组的成员 荣誉项目,担任CAHSS代表的荣誉项目顾问 并担任2017-2018年度学术项目临时联合主任 year.


  • “我似乎拥有两条生命”:披露绕叙事 Villette and The Picture of Dorian Gray.Narrative 21.2 (2013).
  • “I seemed to possess two wives”: The Professor’s Implied Narrative. JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory. 45.2 (2015).
  • “我是我自己的女主人”:夏洛特小说中的自主性与爱情叙事Brontë. In progress.

Professional Presentations

  • “Queer Performative Narrativity and Rethinking Community.” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative. Montreal, Canada. April 2018.
  • “Queering Performative Narrativity.” Panel organizer and Presenter. International Conference on Narrative. Lexington, KY, March 2017.
  • “Decoding the Unnarratable.” Panel organizer, Moderator, and Presenter. International Conference on Narrative. Chicago, IL, March 2015.
  • “Ambiguous Authorial Self Narration.” Panel organizer, Presenter, and Moderator. International Conference on Narrative. Cambridge, MA, March 2014.
  • “First-Person Focalization in Jane Eyre.” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative. Manchester, England. June 2013.
  • “英语读者万岁”:维莱特如何通过比利时构建一个英国隐含读者.” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative.. Las Vegas, NV, March 2012
  • “被间谍统治”:Brontë的《澳门赌场在线娱乐》中Directress角色的重复 and Villette” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative. St. Louis, MO, April 2011.
  • “‘完全是一个女人,还有更多’:聚焦模式、性别表现、 and Transgressive Women.” Panel organizer, Presenter, and Moderator. International Conference on Narrative. Cleveland, OH, April 2010.
  • 《科技如何重新设计大学作文课堂.” Presentation. College English Association Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, March 2009.
  • “我似乎拥有两条生命”:揭露维莱特的不可叙述.” Presentation. 国际叙事会议,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州,2008年5月.
  • 双重视野:《澳门赌场在线娱乐》第一人称聚焦的分裂.” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative, Austin, TX, May 2008.
  • “Instructing Technology Pedagogy.” Presentation. CUNY’s 6th Annual IT Conference, New York, NY, November 2007.
  • “Bi-gendered and Doubled: The Dual Focalizers of Shirley.” Presentation. International Conference on Narrative, Washington, D.C., March 2007.
  • 爱的疯狂:《澳门赌场在线娱乐》中男性的休养与女性的升华.” Presentation. 东北现代语言协会,巴尔的摩,马里兰州,三月 2007.
  • “我似乎有两个妻子”:教授的隐含叙述.” Presentation. 国际叙事会议,渥太华,安大略省,2006年4月.
  • “‘Speak I Must’: Self v. Communion in Jane Eyre.” The Brontës and Their World, Brontë 北美协会会议,Pleasantville, NY, 2004年4月.
  • “Finding Her Voice: Jane Eyre’s Self Narration.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2003.

Professional Consulting

  • 米塞里科迪亚大学LGBTQ+意识和安全空间项目的开发和交付 2016-Present
  • LGBTQ+意识和安全空间项目的开发和实施,国王学院, 2018
  • LGBTQ+意识和安全空间计划的开发和交付,拉克万纳和萨斯奎哈纳 County School Systems, 2017-2018

Invited Talks

  • 《澳门赌场在线娱乐》,奥斯特豪特公共图书馆,2017年6月,2018年6月
  • “LGBT and Me.” Hazelton Public Library, June 2018.
  • “雄心勃勃的女性过去和现在:夏洛特Brontë致希拉里·克林顿.” O’Hop Final Word Keynote. Scholars Symposium, Wilkes University, April 2018
  • “Creating Safe Spaces for Youth.” Family Service Association Conference, 2013
  • “New Feminist Narratologies.” Invited Roundatble Presentation. International Conference on Narrative, Birmingham, England, June 2009.
  • Outstanding Advisor Award, Wilkes University, 2018.
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐优秀学生,2011-2012,2017-2018.
  • 澳门赌场在线娱乐首届多元化校长奖,2016年.
  • Type I Research Grant. Wilkes University, 2009-2010, 2012-2013.
  • Multicultural Teaching award. Wilkes University, 2011-2012.
  • Diversity Leader Faculty Award, Wilkes University, 2011.
  • Type II Research Grant. 澳门赌场在线娱乐,2009、2011、2012、2013、2014、2015、2017; 2018.
  • 纽约市立大学研究生中心博士生研究基金,2008年.
  • 林恩·卡迪逊论文年度奖,纽约市立大学研究生中心,2006-2007.
  • 2005-2008年,纽约市立大学荣誉学院皇后校区教学技术奖学金.
  • 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校狄更斯宇宙项目代表, 2005.
  • 2003-2005年,拉瓜迪亚社区学院写作奖学金.
  • 2001年秋季,巴鲁克学院校长教学奖提名.
  • 维克森林大学英语系奖学金,2000-2001.
  • 维克森林大学信息系统助教,2000-2001.
  • 1999年以优异成绩毕业于杜克大学英语专业.
  • Benjamin N. Duke Scholar, Duke University, 1995-1999.
  • Council of Independent Colleges Diversity Institute. Atlanta, GA, June 2018.
  • Northeast LGBT Conference. Rochester, NY, March 2013.
  • Northeast LGBT Conference. Albany, NY, March 2012.
  • Pennsylvania Conference for Women. Philadelphia, PA, October 2012, 2013.
  • “Queer and Feminist Narrative Theories.” Project Narrative Symposium. Columbus, OH, May 2011.
  • 创意、探究与发现:本科生研究.” Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR). Durham, NC, November 2010.