
The 教与学技术办公室 (OTTL) provides support to faculty in any area related to teaching, technology, instructional design and much more.

We can work with you on your face-to-face classes, online and hybrid to fully develop 或者只是提高你的课程. 我们也提供专业的发展机会 for faculty throughout the year and can do one-on-one meetings as well, just stop 通过或与我们的任何教学设计师预约. 要了解更多关于 我们提供的各种服务和支持,请访问我们的 关于我们页面.

OTTL also provides a variety of resources including links to tools, articles, and 我们支持的各种系统和平台的教程. 我们举办各种活动 throughout the year as well as share relevant events with other organizations.


OTTL has organized a variety of resources to support faculty on how to transition 他们的面对面课程到网络环境. 资源包括信息 on how to rapidly transition a face-to-face class, instructional strategies, facilitating 在线课程等等! 您可以找到过去的网络研讨会的录音进行培训 on specific tools and learn how to access self-paced, on-demand training directly 从网站. We have also included information on external groups who are providing high quality professional development that we encourage you to take advantage of. 请 花些时间来熟悉这些资源. 我们将继续增加 additional resources and updates to the site as needed based on requests.




老师们注意了,我们很自豪地宣布 2024年科技教学活动 将在连续的周三上午举行. 把这六次约会留给你自己吧 职业发展:6月5日、12日、26日和7月10日、17日、24日. 看这里看那里 澳门赌场在线娱乐今天宣布全部日程安排.

Interested in sharing your experiences with teaching with technology? 我们正在寻找 为主持人. It’s a great opportunity to collaborate with your colleagues and highlight 你的课堂创新. 另外,你的同事对你说的话很感兴趣 正在做的!

会议将安排在周三上午9点至12点. 演讲者可以指出 their preferences of time slot, format and delivery mode (Zoom webinar or in-person). 详情可在 网上提交表格. 外部网站 We encourage presenters to think creatively about their format and content, and to engage participants in interactive and meaningful learning experiences.

The deadline for submissions is April 8th, and presenters will be notified by mid-May. You must be signed in to your Wilkes account to access the form linked above.


新的一年,新的学期! 确保你的在线课程已经更新并准备好了 与otl一起发射 学期开始清单 外部网站.

和往常一样,给我们发邮件 ottl@interlec23.com 如需进一步协助.


The latest addition to our D2L/LIVE support resources is the "Virtual Assistant" available 在所有LIVE页面的右下角. 输入您的问题并接收提示和链接 to relevant resources or open a live Chat session with D2L's technicians. 电话支持 is also available through the Assistant at all hours directly 从网站 End-User Support 服务. D2L Support agents will assist faculty and students who need support performing various tasks within their courses when University staff are not available. 代理 will be able to walk end-users through the steps necessary to solve their issue or 提供培训资源. 任何时候你需要D2L/LIVE和大学的帮助 Help Desk is closed, you can use this service - including overnight and weekends.

请 note that D2L End-User Support 服务 (EUSS) cannot reset passwords, so if you are having log in issues you will still need to contact the Wilkes Help Desk during 他们的办公时间. 此外,EUSS将只具有只读访问权限 not be able to perform any specific actions within our course platform. 他们将 只提供如何解决问题的培训和指导. 有些情况下可能是 referred back to the University 如需进一步协助 if it outside their scope of 服务或访问.


有问题? 需要帮助? 访问我们的:





The 教与学技术办公室 is committed to student success and the enhancement of the teaching and learning experience for all students and faculty through the transparent integration of technology in a variety of instructional modalities. To support this commitment, the mission of the Office of Technology for Teaching and Learning is to provide exceptional leadership and support for distance learning, instructional design services, best practices in the use of technology, and to continually search 用于学术技术的创新应用.

The vision of the 教与学技术办公室 is to be an active hub providing continuous opportunities for all faculty to collaborate and enhance their knowledge and skills related to the effective and innovative use of academic technology, instruction and assessment practices, as well as provide opportunities to collaborate in and support research around technology in the classroom.

The 教与学技术办公室 strive for the following values:

  • The use of best practices in online and technology-enhanced education.
  • 服务卓越.
  • 协作和团队合作
  • 研究-based instructional practices that improve student learning.
  • 持续改进的过程.
  • 增加学生获取学习资料的机会.
  • 增加对可用和可访问内容的访问.
  • 技术和教育创新.

As articulated in the University's Gateway to the Future Strategic Plan, distance learning is a critical component to support the accomplishment of many key goals. As such, the 教与学技术办公室 provides vital services and support for the many and varied needs of its campus constituents.

We believe technology is a support tool vital to the functioning of the University 环境. Technology should serve a specific purpose in the educational process, 不添加只是为了使用最新和最好的新工具. 它应该是有效的, 有效和透明. 如果集成得当,技术可以有效地支持 teaching and learning, assessment, faculty research, and community partnerships as 以及提高沟通和协作. 技术提供了额外的途径 for students to access course materials and learning opportunities thereby potentially reaching more students than Wilkes can serve through traditional means.